League Username
  • Your league Username must match your Pogo Screen name.
  • Your league Username cannot be shared with anyone else including family members.
  • You must have a valid e-mail address.
  • You are only allowed one league Username. If a duplicate is found the multiple Usernames will be removed.
  • League Username and Pogo Screen name must match during tournaments.
  • If the two names are not the same and you join a tournament, the Host will remove you from the tournament until you correct your names.

Game Play
  • Fast play is a MUST at ALL times.
  • We do not play rated games. In this league, our games are all about having fun and we work to maintain that fun-loving atmosphere.
  • You may not be in 2 tournaments at the same time. If you are PLAYING at a table in the finals of a previous tour then you may jump the next tour. However, if you are still playing in the previous finals when it is your turn, you have 5 minutes to get to the table or you DQ. Purposefully disqualifying in the previous tournament will result in a disqualification in the new tournament.
  • When you jump a tournament please be in the lobby 2 minutes prior to start time.
  • Watch the lobby for instructions from your host for game rules, pairings, etc.... If you are not at the table within 5 minutes of call time you will be placed on a 5 minute timer.
  • It is the member's responsibility to be ready to play on time.
  • When hosts assign pairings they will assign tables as well. The host will say something similar to Player1 v Player2 Table 6 -- This means the game is to be played on table 6 and Player1 is to set. The player's name that appears first in the pairing is the one who sets the table.
  • All players are responsible for checking that their table is set correctly. If a table is set incorrectly, the Host will ask for it to be reset. Scores are not kept and the game starts over.
  • ALL games are played with a 60 second timer. If a player gets frozen or booted from the table or lobby, they are allotted 5 minutes to find their seat and continue play. If 5 minutes has passed, the player is put on a 5 minute timer. The timer is not off until they are actually playing at the assigned table. Players are allowed 2 extensions per round as well as 2 timers per tour; on the 3rd extension per round or 3rd timer per tour the player will be disqualified.
  • If a player receives a 2nd extention, the host will ask if there was play between. If there was, a warning will be given that the next extention will be a disqualification. It there was no play betweeen, it is a sign that the player is frozen and they will be placed on timmer within 3 minutes of the last report for the extention. After the timer is placed, they will be disqualifed after five minutes if they are not at table playing. This is a total of 10 minutes which is our max time for a player not to be present and playing.
  • During a Doubles Tournament (2v2), if your partner is missing from the lobby he or she will be granted a substitute (sub). If your partner is missing from table but still in lobby, then the partner is given 5 minutes to find his or her seat and continue play. If 5 minutes has passed, the player is put on a 5 minute timer and a sub is requested by the host. Subs may not be members still playing in the same tournament.
  • Please do not take "timing out" or disqualifying personally. It happens to us all. We follow guidelines to ensure that the tournaments run as smoothly as possible and are fair to waiting players as well.
  • Extensions do not count against a player if they are asking game related questions of the Host or waiting on the Host. Extensions also do not count when a member returns to the table after being thrust out of their seat.
  • All games must be played until the final score is totaled and winner is determined. Leaving a table before the game is over results in a forfeit. We expect good sportsmanship between players, win or lose.
  • If there is a tie, the players will play one more hand, same rules, highest score wins.

Table Talk
  • Absolutely no table talk will be allowed.
  • What is "table talk"? Chat about a hand in play is considered table talk. Avoid all conversations about the hand currently being played.
  • Anything that can be interpreted as table talk should not be typed. This includes telling or asking your partner what to play or not to play, what you have or do not have in your hand, or clarifying the rules. Only the Host may answer game related questions.
  • No private chats about the hand or game is allowed between players (partners or opponents) during a match. If there is a concern, message only the Host in lobby or IM.
  • The Host has sole discretion in determining what is considered table talk. The decision of the Host is final.
  • If the Host determines that table talk has occurred the team will be disqualified and boxing or banning may be discussed.

Canasta Freaks Etiquette
  • Please be polite to all people in Canasta Freaks' hosted lobbies, tournaments, and tables.
  • We ask that you not be rude to fellow players at table and lobbies.
  • Say "thank you - ty" and "good game - gg" even if it is a loss to you.
  • Only the Host may enter as a "Watcher". We do not allow members to be watchers. Occasionally an HTD or Admin may come to the table to help settle disputes if the Host requests them to intervene.
  • Capital letters are reserved for Hosts.
  • Do not use caps as this can confuse members. Those with vision impairment must notify the Host.
  • Please do not be rude to the Hosts. They are here so that you can play. They give their time willingly and completely voluntarily.
  • If you leave for reasons such as disagreeing with your partner, your opponent, the rules, the Host, etc. you are subject to disqualification and possible box time.
  • Continued unexcused departures will result in banning from the league.

  • We expect our members to refrain from using profanity or obscene language in the Canasta Freaks' hosted lobbies or at tournament tables.
  • This is a family league.
  • First use will be given a 1 time warning.
  • If foul language continues, member will be boxed or banned according to the severity of the situation.
  • Clean language is expected at all times.

Cheating Accusations
  • Accusing a member of cheating is FORBIDDEN in the Canasta Freaks' hosted lobbies.
  • Talk to the Host in IM or at a private table.
  • Cheating is very hard to prove. Absolute proof for the Host to see with their own eyes is a must. If this proof cannot be provided, DO NOT ACCUSE ANYONE!
  • To eliminate the possibility of being accused of cheating, we request that members LIVING IN SAME HOUSEHOLD DO NOT JUMJP AS A TEAM .

  • If drama occurs, member can be boxed or banned depending on the amount of drama caused.
  • If there is a dispute or problem, please realize that the Host will make the best decision he or she can make at the time, trying to be fair to all.
  • We ask that all conflict between players be taken outside of the lobby. Please take the issue to a table or instant messenger and discuss it with the Host. If necessary, please request a Head TD.
  • If you are "boxed" for any reason you will not be allowed to compete in any tournaments for the duration of the boxing. This includes subbing.

  • Solicitation is BANNED!
  • Soliciting in Canasta Freaks' hosted lobbies, the Canasta Freaks' Chatbox, or the Canasta Freaks' Message Forum will NOT be tolerated.

Religion and Politics
  • The Canasta Freaks' hosted lobbies are not the best forum for religious and political discussions.

(c) Canasta Freaks 2020

This page and website were created by members of Canasta Freaks. This includes all images, codes and data. Duplicating, Hot Linking, or other use without permission of ARTINPOGO Head Administrator or LAUGH13331 of Canasta Freaks is strictly prohibited.
LAST UPDATE 7/3/2018