






Tournament Director Guide

TD Guide

Canasta Freaks League
Eeyorewantsahug, CFL Admin Editor

Last Updated: 16 June 2020

Table of Contents

Congratulations on becoming a Tournament Director (TD) with the Canasta Freaks Staff and thank you for the commitment you are making. The Canasta Freaks would not have lasted as long as it has without the dedicated Staff members and players!

***This guide does not replace the MyLeague Tournament Director Guide which can be found on the TD Administration Center under "Download MyLeague TD Guide." This guide coincides with the MyLeague TD Guide and enhances the particular rules of the Canasta Freaks league.

TD Responsibility

You are requested to always be a model Player and Host. The league and NIDINK members are always watching. *Please note, that you are asked not to host anywhere else as the league will need your full focus.

You are required to have a valid email address and you must read all emails that come in for the Freaks Staff. This is the official line of communication.

The weekly tournament commitment expected of you, as a TD, is at least 4 tours per week, averaging a minimum of 16 tours a month.

When a tournament has not been set and hosted within 15 days, an email will be sent requesting an explanation. If there is no response from you, you will be granted 15 more days to show your desire to continue hosting. If you, as the TD, do not comply with the commitment by the 30th day, you will be removed as a host.
Communication is the key! If you are aware that you are unable to host, email the Admin staff as soon as you can.

***A trainee who has not hosted a tournament within 30 days of approval will be dismissed from Staff.

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In Training

Before creating and hosting the first tournament, the TD must:

  • Read the MyLeague TD Guide.

  • Download the Keyboard Express (KB).

  • The TD’s trainer will provide assistance in learning the most used macros in tournaments.

    • This version is set automatically to disappear from the monitor when the mouse is clicked outside the KB perimeters. To change this setting, go to Options > Preferences > Activation > Activation Key, and select "None [Do not hide]."

  • Become familiar with the League’s websites and links.

  • Become familiar with the game rules. They are on KB and there is a link as well: www.canastafreaks.com/TrainingGuides/html_rules.html

    • Game Rules are not to be altered unless specified in an e-mail from the Admin.

  • Download Trillian Instant Messenger (IM). This is needed to send notifications for upcoming tournaments. Trillian is also used for Staff meetings.

    • trillian.im

    • Add the Administrative Staff and Head Tournament Directors (HTDs) to Trillian.

    Once the trainer feels that the TD has complied with these steps, the trainer will assist the TD in creating the first tournament.

    While in a training session do not play in any tournament as the TD is expected to give their full attention.

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    Hosting a Tournament

    The TD should know as well as be comfortable with the rules of the game before setting the tour. The TD must be prepared to answer any questions that might be asked. If a question arises to which the hosting TD does not know the answer, do not ask questions in the lobby, but instead private message another host or ask in Host Chat on Trillian. If there are games the TD would like to host but does not quite understand the rules, ask the trainer. If the TD’s trainer is unavailable then ask an Admin or HTD.

    The first tournament will be hosted as "Regular Canasta 5000-2-2". The second tournament will be chosen by the host in training. The TD is expected to give their full attention while hosting; therefore, the TD should not be playing in any tournament while hosting prior to their release from training status.

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    Setting a Tournament

    Tournament Formats

    Bracket Style (Single-Elimination)

      • Players are eliminated once they lose.

      • Must be set during the timeframes the league plays 2vs2.

    Bracket Style (Double-Elimination)

      • Players are eliminated when they lose twice.

      • May not be set on BIG BUX DAY.

      • May not be set within 4 hours of a SPECIAL event tournament. EXCEPTION: Can be set as a 1-hand the hour prior.

      • Host may request to learn Double Elimination after completing 20 tours.

    Swiss System

      • Regular Swiss: Players are not eliminated; game ends when there is one undefeated player remaining.

        • May not be used for TOSS TO THE CURB or SPEEDY GONZALES.

      • True Swiss: Players are not eliminated; game continues through the amount of rounds set by the Host (up to 10 rounds). The player with the highest win-loss record wins the tournament. This can result in more than one winner.

      • Swiss tournaments may not be set on BIG BUX DAY.

      • Swiss tournaments may not be set within 4 hours of a SPECIAL event tournament. EXCEPTION: Can be set as a 1-hand the hour prior.

      • Host may request to learn Swiss after completing 10 tours.

    back to setting a tournament

    Setting Days

    Each host may preset two tourneysa day. At 6 P.M. you may fill any slot on the calendar that is empty.

    back to setting a tournament

    Time to Set

    To provide a variety of games, no same tour is to be set between the following blocked times:

    12am – 7 am

    3pm – 11pm

    No same game may be set back to back, including 2-3pm, and 11pm-12am. For members sake please try to not set same game within 4 hours of each other.

    Games that are included in a multi-rule tour such as Wacky Nasta, Table Chase, Different game each round should be included in the no repeat games. Every host will need to check to see what games have already been set prior to creating a new tournament. Please ensure that you look at any multi-rule tour so you are aware of the games included.

    Most games are played to 5000, with a few exceptions that are marked in the Keyboard Express. Note that "-1000 ONLY", "1500 ONLY", "2500 ONLY", and "TWO HANDS ONLY" games are considered FULL games (the same as 5000).
    ***If the game is marked 5000 ONLY, this means that the game can only be played to 5000; the goal may not be reduced.

    FULL games are to be set at all times except for the following:
    ***The game set one (1) hour prior to a special tournament (or the start of 2vs2 tournaments) must be a quick game to ensure members may jump both tours if they wish.

    A regular 5000 game may be reduced to a 1-hand game.
    TOSS TO THE CURB and SPEEDY GONZALES single-elimination may also be set as 3 short tours prior to a special tour, ex. 10:00, 10:15, and 10:30.
    Games marked as "TWO HANDS ONLY" are considered quick games as well.

    "NO PILE" tours should never be set back to back. There needs to be a minimum of 3 pile tours between any no pile games.

      • For 2vs2 duration, a maximum of two (2) "NO PILE" tours may be set. When two (2) are set, they must have room for at least three (3) "PILE" tours between them.

    back to setting a tournament

    Tournament Settings

    Tournament Settings Presets

    A host can set up a typical tour page, and save it, to bring up at any other time the Host would like to run that same tour. The Host can create a name for the tour at the bottom of the page and save the settings. At the top of the page, the Host can select a preset next to the "Load Setting:" The Host will also be able to update any of their personal presets.

    back to tournament settings

    Name of Tournament (optional)

    This will appear on the top of the tour page when accessed by members. This may be personalized to describe the type of tournament or the reason for the tour. In this league, the Name of Tournament is REQUIRED, not optional.

    back to tournament settings


    The game that is to be selected is "Canasta".

    back to tournament settings

    Game Room Name and Game Room Link

    The game room name is "CanastaFreaks at NIDINK".

    The game room link is "www.canastafreaks.com/freak_gamerooms.htm".

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    Game Format

    The game format MUST be in all CAPS. The format is to include the title of the game, the score to determine winner, followed by a dash, and whether it is "1-2" or "2-2" , in that order.

      • ex. FOOTBALL 5000-2-2

      • Make sure to spell the game correctly as it is written in the rules.

      • When there is a donation being offered, add the donation at the end of the Format.

    back to tournament settings

    Number of Rounds

    Always select "8" for the number of rounds when setting a tour.

    Sometimes a tour is set (accidentally) for less than 8. When that happens and the tour is being closed and started, a new message will pop up asking if the host would like to expand the team. Select "YES."

      • The reason this option comes about is because the tour was set for a certain amount of rounds, say "3", and the counted jumpers exceed the amount of teams allowed for 3 rounds. To allow all jumpers to play, select "YES" to expand the team count and it will auto set the amount of rounds so that all jumpers remain in the tour.

    back to tournament settings

    Minutes between Round Start Times

    Always place "30" in the input box. This allows for easier editing when a tour needs to move.

      • Allotted play time per table in a tournament is 40 minutes for all games but 1-hand.

      • 1-hand games are given 20 minutes to play.

    back to tournament settings

    Number of Players per Team

    Select "1" for 1vs1

    Select "2" for 2vs2

    • Host may request to learn 2vs2 tours after completing five (5) tours.

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    Teams Competing Per Match

    This shall remain as "2".

    back to tournament settings

    Random Team Partners

    When this is selected, give the members plenty of warning. Do not set often, since the members like to make their own teams.

    (TOC alert: This will be selected when hosting Tournament of Champions for 2vs2.)

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    Multiple Day Tournament

    Leave this unchecked.

    back to tournament settings

    Invitation Only Tournament

    Leave this unchecked.

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    Ladder Stats Tournament

    Make sure this is check marked. This will allow the members to move up in Rank.

    (TOC alert: When hosting TOC, this will be unchecked.)

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    TOC Tournament

    Leave this unchecked.

      • Host may request to learn TOC tours from the Admin staff.

    (TOC alert: When hosting TOC, this will be selected.)

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    back to setting a tournament

    LadderBux Settings

    Select the third option: "LadderBux entry fee; LadderBux to top finishers."

    Tourney Fees

    Tourney Fees (charging of LadderBux) is as follows:

    100 Bux for all 1 and 2 handed Single Elimination games

    150 Bux for all Single Elimination tours other than 1 or 2 handed games

    300 Bux for all tours on BIG BUX DAY (they should all be Single Elimination)

      • These BIG BUX tours must also include at least 1,000 Bux in donation.

    300 Bux for all Double Elimination and Swiss (Regular and True) tours

    Special tours (i.e. Birthday, Battles, Milestones, Anniversaries, etc)

      • 300 Bux for 1vs1

      • 500 Bux for 2vs2

    • These special tours must also include at least 1,000 Bux in donation.

    • Birthdays must have 5000 gifted to the birthday person, while another 5000 is donated to the 1vs1 tour or in 2v2 10,000 td for tour and 5 k to bdayperson to the 2vs2 tour.

    • Anniversary for Hosts must have 1,000 Bux donated to the tour for each year the staff member has hosted for the Canasta Freaks.

    Tournament of Championship tours

      • 500 Bux for 1vs1 and MUST include 10,000 Bux in donation.

      • 1000 Bux for 2vs2 and MUST include 20,000 Bux in donation.

    ***When a donation (or gift) is offered to the winner of the tournament, make sure it is added in the upcoming tour notifications for Trillian Freaks Blast and Lobby.

    back to setting a tournament

    back to table of contents

    Administer Tournament

    Next Step Actions

    Open Check-In

    • The tournament must be opened the night before.
      ***If set the same day as hosting, the Check-in must be opened immediately after set.

    Close Registration

      • Do NOT close the Registration until tour start time (usually top of the hour).

      • The Host should run the rules five (f) minutes prior to closing the Registration.

      • For 2vs2, if there are not enough jumpers by the 2 minutes prior, then wait for at least 6 members to be in the tour, before running the rules.

        • If the tour has enough jumpers to start, but is uneven in Auto-Jumpers at start time, the Host is to send an IM notification indicating that an Auto is needed. The Host will wait up to 10 minutes after tour start time to get 1 more Auto, to make the Autos even. The Host must notify in lobby that at 10 after, the last Auto-jumper will be dropped.

        • If the 10 minutes are up, the Host will Close the Registration and start the tournament, dropping the last Auto-jumper.

        • If Teams are made, but the partner has not checked in when it is time to close the Registration, those partner-less teams will be dropped. The Host is to start the tour immediately. The Host will not wait for a Team to find a partner.

      • TDs who have successfully completed training may jump their own tournaments if they wish. Please ask your trainer or the head training admin to activate that option if it is not available to you.

Start Tournament/Reopen Registration

    • Once the Registration is closed, double check the left side making sure there is nothing colored in RED font.

      • If Auto-Team Locator is in RED font, the tournament has an odd number of teams and will drop one (1) player. If intending to Auto-jump, the Host should click "Reopen Registration" and Auto-jump to even up.

    • If the Host is Auto-jumping their own tour, the Host should make sure that no one else jumped. If another player jumped, the Host is to remove themselves from the tour before clicking the "Start Tournament".

Award LadderBux

    • Highlight, copy, and paste the LadderBux being awarded onto the Keyboard Express. The Bux key will be run in lobby indicating the closing of the tour.

Close Out Tournament

    • Be sure that all tasks are done and close the tour immediately.

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Remove Team

The Host will not remove members/teams unless specifically asked from the particular member/team or the Host becomes aware that the member/team is still active in another tournament within this league.

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Edit Tournament Info

The Host can freely update the tournament’s information.

TD Bux Given to Winner

A gift of LadderBux (up to 20,000) can be awarded to the winner(s). The LadderBux will be gifted from the Host’s personal LadderBux stash. The Host should make sure that they have enough to provide the gift.

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Seed Players by

"Random" should always be selected.

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Customize Tournament Layout

The Layout uses HTML to understand how the Host would like to arrange the page.

Any backgrounds and pictures that are used to customize the tournament page are to be family friendly.

Game rules must be placed in the layout immediately after the tournament is created.
***Special Events can be set in advance and customized later when the games are selected.

The rules for the tournament’s game are to be placed last in the HTML.

HTML format for any game the league hosts is located in the HTML Rules Page. Choose the game you wish to host and copy/paste the rules into your tournament.

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Post Tournament Message

Should any changes happen after members have registered, the Host can post the changes and the registered jumpers will each receive an email.

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Delete Tournament

Once the daily email is sent asking to fill in empty spots; no tournament is to be moved or altered for that day. If the TD knows in advance that they are unable to host a SAME DAY TOURNAMENT, then the TD is to DELETE that tour, with an email message to all hosts that includes the reason for deletion, the NAMES of the jumpers, and the GAME FORMAT that is being deleted. (The TD can also detail in the email who will take their spot, if known, and whether the jumpers were already informed.)

If there is at least one (1) jumper in the tournament when it is deleted, all hosts in the league (and the registered jumpers) will receive an email along with any message the Host types in the Delete Tournament input box.

If there are no jumpers in the tour when it is deleted, the message in the Delete Tournament will not be sent to any Staff members, therefore, The TD MUST send a SEPARATE email indicating that the tour was deleted (along with all the information that is to be passed on).


The information passed on in the email will provide answers to the Host who takes the vacated hour; i.e. the game to set and which jumpers to inform of new tour number. This is necessary since the Canasta Freaks League members tend to look at the calendar in advance and set their day accordingly, making time to jump a certain game/tour.

****DO NOT**** move a SAME DAY TOURNAMENT to a later date if:

    • The TD is unable to host

    • The Host is a "no show"

    • There are not enough jumpers

ALL ARE TO BE DELETED. Do NOT remove jumpers. When tour is deleted they will receive an email as to why the tour was deleted and their LadderBux will be returned to their accounts.

If there are not enough jumpers to start the tournament on time,

  • 1vs1: The Host is to wait 20 minutes and try to gather more jumpers. If 20 minutes passes by and there are still not enough jumpers, the Host is to DELETE the tournament.

  • 2vs2: The Host is to wait 10 minutes and try to gather more jumpers. If 10 minutes passes by and there are still not enough jumpers the Host is to DELETE the tournament and set a 1vs1 tournmanent offering the same game to start at 15 minutes pass the hour.

***Tours can NOT be deleted any earlier than 20 minutes after the original intended start time.

There is no penalty for deleting a tournament.

back to administer tournament

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Running the Tournament

Messenger Notification

The Host is to send out a short notification of the upcoming tournament in the Trillian Blast Message Group 30 minutes prior to tour start time. Do not send the notification any earlier than ":30".

    • ex. Please join me, So-and-So, in FGT at 12pm for REGULAR CANASTA 5000 http://www.myleague.com/canastafreaks/tournament/2336242
      ***The Host should put their Pogo name in the message. It lets the receivers know who it is from, especially if the Pogo name does not match the Messenger name.

No emoticons are to be used in the Messenger Notifications. Not all members have the same version of Messengers. The emoticon symbols vary in different Messengers.

When jumpers are needed, the Host is to send a second tour notification five (5) minutes prior to tour start time, indicating that jumpers are needed.

The Host may only send two (2) tour notifications.

Prior to sending tour notifications, the Host is to appear ONLINE. This will allow members to contact the Host for any questions. It will also signify to the other hosts that the TD is on their way to the Lobby.

The computer clock should be compared with the MyLeague clock. If they are minutes apart, the Host should go by the MyLeague clock.

Messenger and Hosting

When messaging another Staff member, the TD should ask if the host is busy before asking questions. If the TD already knows that the Staff member is currently hosting, the TD is to wait until after the host has closed the tour. Simply leave an IM in the messenger requesting that the Staff member message the TD back after the tour is completed. If it is a question regarding the host’s tour, the TD should be asking in the Lobby. The Host needs to keep eyes mainly on the Lobby and the tables. Use trillian ONLY to message hosts, NEVER use the Private Messenger in the lobby room./p>

back to running the tournament

Lobby Etiquette

The Host should be in the Lobby 30 minutes prior to tour start time.

The Host is to ask to join the other hosts in the Lobby.

To join the other hosts, the hosting badge is to be set as FAVORITE BADGE on their Pogo Profile.

The Host will not CAP up until two (2) minutes prior to tour start time.

The Host will take over in sending short Lobby notifications of the upcoming tournament about every five (5) minutes until the start of the tour.

    • ex. Please join me at 12pm for REGULAR CANASTA 5000 Jump# 2332642
      ***The Host does not need to place their name in the tour notification, since the Pogo name shows up right next to the message itself.

The Host of the hour (from tour start time to next tour start time) is to answer the general questions that do not pertain to the tournament rules in particular. The Host of the hour may also ask other hosts in the Lobby to help. If no other host is in the Lobby, please request one of the Admins or HTDs to come to the Lobby and assist.

    • Instructing new members on how to jump or check-in, table and lobby etiquette, and how to set tables (done at a table, not in the Lobby)

    • Directing members (Nidink and league alike) to the Main Page

    • Gifting members LadderBux when member has less than 200 in the account

The Host of the tour is to answer any questions about their tournament’s rules.

    • If no answer is provided within a minute (whether it is a general or rule question), other TDs may answer. The members are not to be neglected. However, before answering, the TD should be absolutely certain they have the correct information.

    • Remember to type "BRB" when not looking at the computer while hosting, and if possible, ask another host to watch the lobby for you.

***Do NOT correct other hosts in the Lobby. The Host should inform their trainer via Instant Messenger if it is important enough to bring up during the running of a tournament. If the trainer is not available, message an Admin.

Once the tour starts, a short notification for the upcoming tournament will be sent in the Lobby about every five (5) minutes until the next host asks to join the lobby.

    • ex. Please join, So-and-So, at 1pm for JUST CALL ME NUTS -1000 Jump# 2348556

Five (5) Minute Warning

The five (5) minute warning is to allow the members to finish the hand or play one (1) more hand. The Host should not make the members report in the midst of a hand. Allow the hand to be completed.

The Host is to go to the tables when five (5) minutes is left on the play clock. The Host will determine if the table is to play one (1) more hand. The Host can gauge whether or not to play one (1) more hand by looking at how many cards are left in the draw pile. The Host is to use their best judgment: how much time is left to play, the rules of the game, how many players at the table, etc. Generally, if there are 10 cards or more left, the table is to play current hand and post. If there are less than 11 cards, the table can play one (1) more hand, then post.
***If the Host is also playing in a tournament, they may ask another host to go to the tables in order to pass on any information or to tell tables to play last hand and post.

The Host may only enter the tables to give the five (5) minute warning (35 minutes after the table start time) or when one of the table members has requested the Host’s presence.
***Should a member, who is not at the table, ask how that table is coming along; the appropriate response is how much time is left for that table. Members do not need to know what the score currently is.

Basic Keys

The Host is to run the JOIN LEAGUE key no earlier than 20 minutes after the hour when the lobby traffic permits it. The Host also may run the key when requested.

The Host is to run the APPLY TO BE A HOST key no earlier than 40 minutes after the hour when the lobby traffic permits it.

The Host is to run the PREMIUM BENEFITS key once per hour when the lobby traffic permits it.

The WINNER WTG and BLNT keys may only have one emoticon per key. The trainer will assist the TD with the appropriate phrases.
***These keys should not be ran until both players have posted WINNER//NON-WINNER, and they are a match.

The TOURNEY WINNER key should be run prior to completing the Actions for awarding LadderBux, updating players’ records, and closing out the tour. This allows both players in finals to project any corrections, if need be, before the Host goes into the closing motions.

The BUXSXXXXXXXXXXXXX key should be run when the lobby traffic permits it. Ask the host of the hour for permission to run the key. If it is unfeasible to run it, then the Host may indicate that "the Bux is in the mail," and relinquish the Lobby to the current host(s).

Oncoming Host

As the Current Host, if the next Host does not show in lobby by ":35", send an IM to an online Admin or HTD, so that preparations can be made for the next tournament.

back to running the tournament

Table Settings

The TABLE SET key is the only area in which it is indicated if there are one (1) or two (2) canastas.

    • ex. ~ REGULAR CANASTA 2/2 5000; 60 Sec Timer; 3rd ext is DQ; All players are to check table settings; VGL EV1 12:02PM

When setting the tables, the Host is to call the first set of paired players/teams with the table number and the TABLE SET key.

    • ex. Player1 set Tbl 120 for Player2 ~ REGULAR CANASTA 2-2 5000; 60 Sec Timer; 3rd ext is DQ; All players are to check table settings; VGL EV1 12:02PM

    • The Host is to note the table and timestamp somewhere; for example, it can be jotted down in a notebook or on a computer post-it. The Host MUST keep track of all timestamps for each table.

If there are other pairs to set up at the same time, those pairs and tables will be called after the TABLE SET key. The timestamp from the TABLE SET key will be used for these pairs.

    • ex. Player3 set Tbl 119 for Player4
      Player5 set Tbl 118 for Player6

    • This means that tables 120, 119, and 118 all have the timestamp of 12:02pm.

    • If a minute or more passes by since the last TABLE SET key, the next pair is given a new TABLE SET key (regardless of which Round they are in), in which the Host must notate the newly given timestamp.

***Tables cannot be used more than once within the same tour. This allows the members to feel they are starting fresh with no clue as to how the cards will be dealt and also prevents the look of favoring seats.

back to running the tournament


The MISSING TIMER key in the Keyboard Express is to be no longer than five (5) lines in the lobby to include the missing member’s name. The trainer will help the TD in creating the appropriate timer phrase.

Timers are a maximum of 10 minutes long that the Host tracks. Two (2) timers are allowed per person/team per tour. If a third timer is needed, the person/team is disqualified from the tour.

Extensions are when the player takes more than one (1) minute to play and end his/her turn. Two (2) extensions are allowed per person/team per round (table). If a third extension is needed for the same round (table), the person/team is disqualified from the tour.

Timers and extensions are two separate things; they are not to be combined. So a person/team can have two (2) timers for the tour and two (2) extensions for one (1) round (table), and still be allowed to continue to play in that same round (table).

    • When a player has one (1) extension and a 2nd extension is soon after reported, the Host is to ask if there was any game play in between the two (2) extensions. If there was no play from the player between the two (2) extensions, the player is to be placed on timer immediately. ONLY THE FIRST EXTENSION AND THE TIMER WILL BE RECORDED. THE SECOND REPORTED EXTENSION WILL NOT COUNT.

Once the TABLE SET key is displayed in lobby, the Host is to give the setter 60 seconds to set table even if they are not in lobby or are on a "be right back" (BRB). Once 60 seconds has passed with no setting, the Host should ask for either player to set table.

    • ex. Player1 or Player2 set Tbl 120

Once the TABLE SET key is displayed in lobby, the Host is to give the players five (5) FULL minutes to arrive at table and start playing before placing the player on missing timer, even if not in lobby or on a BRB.

Once the TABLE SET key is displayed in lobby for 2vs2, if one (1) team member is not in the Lobby, the Host is to ask for a substitute (sub), before placing the team on missing timer. The team is to be given a chance of not having timers. If no one subs by the time the missing timer needs to be started, the team is to be placed on missing timer.

    • Only one (1) sub is allowed per Team. Team members cannot choose sub; first to sit at table, subs.

    • The sub cannot set a table. The sub must wait for Team member to sit/set before sitting in the opposite seat.

If a player "poofs" (goes missing) during a game, the Host is to wait five (5) FULL minutes before placing the player on missing timer. The Host is to note the time the player has "poofed".

    • The player /team that is place on timer will have five minutes to play or will be dq'd

If a member asks the Host to place them on missing timer, the missing timer for the player should be started immediately even though they remain at table. The missing timer is to be 10 full minutes. If the opponent asks about continuing to extend, inform them not to press any buttons and just wait until the member says they are back, or the 10 minute missing timer runs out.

    • When the TD is allowed to play in another tournament and host at the same time, and the Host leaves the play table to deal with their tournament; the TD must be placed on 10 full minute missing timer immediately. The TD playing should inform the Host when they need to leave the play table.

When two (2) players are missing and both time out, the Host is to give the win to the lower seeded player (1 is the lowest seed). The "Seed (Random)" can be found under Players/Teams on the Tourney Administration page after the tour starts.

back to running the tournament


A host is to take a screenshot of any issues that they wish to bring to the upper Staff’s attention. To take and save a basic screenshot: OR just copy the text and save it.

    • Press the "Print Screen" key on the computer’s keyboard. There are other variations of this key: ex. "PRNT SCR", "PRT SCR".

    • Open up the "Paint" program. To find this program go to Start > Programs > Accessories > Paint.

    • Paste the screenshot. There are three (3) ways to paste.

      • Press the Control key (Ctrl) and the "V" key

      • Mouse right click on the blank page, then select "Paste" or press the "P" key

      • In the Home toolbar, click the clipboard on the left with the word "Paste" under it

    • The Host should save the screenshot to a file that they can locate later

back to running the tournament

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Paper Tournaments

Sometimes CasesLadder (MyLeague) may go down. When this happens, tournaments can still be run as paper tours. These are ran for tournaments that have not started when Cases goes down. To access paper tours, go to the following site: http://papertourneys.com

There is a video tutorial that will help the Host get familiar with the process.

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Special Tournaments

Tournament of Champions (TOC)

  • A total of four (4) TOCs will be hosted every month.

  • Two (2) TOCs will be conducted in 1v1 on different days: one for day plaers the hour, the other in the evening during primetime .

    • **

    • The game set 1 hour and 15 minutes prior to TOC must be a 1-hand game.

    • The game set prior to TOC (made available to members not participating in the TOC) must be a full 5000 game with no auto-win option. This will allow the lobby to be less cluttered.

  • Two (2) TOCs will be conducted in 2v2 on different days: one set from 3pm. the other in the evening during primetime . The tours will be set for Random Partners.

    • ** Members

    • The game set 1 hour prior to TOC must be a 1-hand game and set in 1v1 format. (2pm), or a quick and easy auto-win game. The choice for swift games to set would be GAMBLE, LOVE & MARRIAGE, PHOENIX RISING, SUGAR DADDY, and SUGAR MAMA and such.

    • **

    • The other game set 15 minutes prior to the remaining BM TOC may be a full 5000 game with no auto-win option.

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Big Buxx Day

    • Big Bux Day is hosted on the 3rd Weekend of every odd month (January, March, May, July, September, and November)

    • No same game may be hosted for at least 26 hours: from 12am midnight to (and including) 1am the following day.

    • All games are set as Single Elimination.

    • 12am-2pm will be played in 1V1 Tomatoes:

      • Full games (no 1-hand tours) are played every hour.

      • Even hour tours (12am, 2am, 4am, 6am, 8am, 10am, 12pm) MUST be set to 5000.

      • 2pm MUST be set as a two-hand game to prepare for 2V2.

    • 3pm-1am will be played in Blue Moon:

      • All 2V2 tours MUST be set to 5000.

    • 200 Bux charge fee for all tournaments.

    • A TD donation of at least 1,000 BUX is to be gifted to the winner (s).

    • The tour format MUST include: Name of Game, "2-2" (or "2-1"), "5000" (or "2500", "1500", etc.), "BIG BUX DAY", and "1K DON" (or another amount), in that order.

      • ex. JUST CALL ME NUTS 2-2 -1000 BIG BUX DAY 10K DON

    • The 11pm tour prior to the start of Big Bux Day is to be a 1-Hand tour.

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    • Each tour may only be hosted one (1) hour a week per host

    • If hosted two (2) times a day (in separate blocks by separate hosts), must be hosted in a different tournament format (single elimination, double elimination, or true swiss)

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1-Hand tour

    • May only be hosted two (2) times a week per host

      • Does not include TOSS TO THE CURB or SPEEDY GONZALES

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Revenge of the Bots

    • REVENGE OF THE BOTS is a 1vs1 game played in Blue Moon

    • REGULAR CANASTA, CUT, FREEZE BURN, NO TOUCH, PHOENIX RISING, and SUICIDE are the choice games with the Bots

    • If NO TOUCH is set, the Host is to edit the TABLE SET key to read "SET NO PILE"

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(c) Canasta Freaks 2013

This page and website were created by members of Canasta Freaks. This includes all images, codes and data. Duplicating, Hot Linking, or other use without permission of ARTINPOGO Head Administrator, LAUGH13331 Canasta Freaks is strictly prohibited.
LAST UPDATE 2/7/2022